Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
We guarantee our service. We take the utmost care with your hair by using the finest products available. Our highly trained team are commited and dedicated to excellence, giving professional advice and services. For these results to continue, how you take care of your hair is important. We cannot guarantee lasting results if you swim, take medication or use unsuitable shampoos / conditioners. We recommend using suitable Muk aftercare products that are available from our salon.
Please contact us if a problem occurs with your hair within 7 days. We do not provide redo’s if you change your mind or do not follow our advice. We do provide refunds. Prices may vary due to time, product and complexity.
Colour with a Senior / Principal Stylist will be assisted by a junior.
We have Wi-Fi, ask our staff for the password.
Prices are subject to change every financial year.
For new clients, services over 200 dollars in peak times will require a deposit.
These prices provide a guide only. A more accurate price can be provided during consultation at the beginning of your appointment.
No 20 dollar-off card on Saturdays.
Please avoid coming to appointments early.
Colour correction over 2 services comes with.a complimentary blow-dry 7 to 10 days prior to service (not in peak times)
Off peak times are: All day Tuesday & Wednesday and from 10:30 till 5:00 on Thursday and Friday
We will work with you to tailor the perfect salon package for
that personal touch
We ask that you kindly provide us with a minimum of 24 hours for cancellation of any appointment.